The Crypto Den makes this website and all its product and services available to users. We respect the privacy of our website visitors and members of The Crypto Den.
If you are a user and/or registered member of The Crypto Den website, the terms and conditions of the The Crypto Den Website Terms of Use will govern privacy issues and treatment. They can be seen at
To be clear, the Website Terms of Use incorporate this Privacy Policy.
If you are a visitor to the website then this Privacy Policy describes TCD’s privacy practices and sets out information for you to understand how we process personal information that we collect from you. We refer to visitors as “You” and “Your” and The Crypto Den as “TCD” throughout this policy.
1. TCD Commitment
TCD is committed to protecting Your personal information. As a visitor to this website you will disclose personal information, for example, by completing the registration process to commence using the The Crypto Den application, sending emails or browsing the website. TCD observes National Privacy Principles and Privacy Act.
2. Collecting Personal Information
TCD collects personal information from visitors to this website when, among other things, the visitors make email enquiries, request information about TCD’s The Crypto Den product, services or about the company, register to use the The Crypto Den courses and/or seek authorization to access any secure areas of the website for technical support or technical FAQ. The information we collect may include your name, email address, your employer and/or telephone contact number.
This is personal information directly communicated by You to TCD.
If you do not provide the information to us we may be unable to fulfil the purpose for which we’ve collected the information from you in the first place i.e. to provide the The Crypto Den services to you professionally and to ensure you’re informed of updates to the service from time to time as we see necessary.
Part of our process in collecting personal information about you when you visit our website is through our automated data collection tools including “cookies”. This is personal information automatically generated by each of your visits to this website. A cookie is a small text file with a unique identification number that is transferred from this website to the hard drive of your computer allowing TCD to identify your browser type, domain name, language, time you accessed the website, the web address from which you arrived at this website, and your Internet Protocol (IP) address and the pages of this website that you have viewed. This analytical data belongs to TCD but TCD will continue to comply with this policy in respect of that analytical data.
We only use cookies in certain areas of this website when we need to remember specific details such as user login details and passwords and only as needed for access to the website information. We do this so that users are not required to log in each time they wish to access those areas of this website. You do not have to accept cookies if you do not wish to accept cookies, you may modify your browser so that it will not accept cookies but you should note that doing so could affect your personalized settings with the effect that we cannot recognize or identify your settings and you may hinder yourself in your use of the The Crypto Den; it’s website, products and services.
3. TCD’s use of information
TCD uses your provided information for the following purposes: Identification and authentication; registration to use The Crypto Den’s website, products and services; service provision; service improvement and research; contact and communication. We may send you emails about your account, or your registration, to use the The Crypto Den’s website, products and services. In some circumstances we as TCD may invoke the right to send you information to what we believe as useful information or news that could be useful to your teaching, preparations, or learning utensils as we see fit.
We understand there may be times when you wish to indicate to us that you would prefer not to receive such emails. You may at any time opt-out of receiving such emails by contacting us at [email protected]. Please note opting-out will not remove your details from our records but it will remove your email from any email list that we operate with additional information not in regards your account activity.
TCD uses your automatically generated information for statistical analysis purposes to determine the popularity and common use of this website, analyse trends, administer the site, and to track any unauthorised or damaging visits which may cause risk to the operation of the website
4. Sharing information
TCD is the controller of the information collected on this website. TCD will not sell, share, rent or lease or otherwise deal with your personal information to others in any way that departs from what is disclosed in this Privacy Policy.
5. Requisition of your personal information
If you wish to see your information you may contact us at [email protected].
6. Amending or deleting your data
If you choose to unsubscribe from one of my email lists or cease your subscription to our products or services, you are automatically unsubscribed from all my email lists, and your data is removed from the site. We make it easy for you to unsubscribe by having an ‘unsubcribe’ option at the bottom of all emails and a ‘cancel’ link on all courses. We’ll be sad to see you go, but we’re sure we’ll get over it eventually!
Other than that, if you want your data deleted, just email [email protected] and we will see to that right away.
7. Raising a concern or lodging a complaint
If you believe TCD is not abiding by this Privacy Policy in the treatment of your personal information please address your concerns by contacting us at [email protected].
8. Third Party Sites
This website contains links to other sites. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected at this website. Please be aware that TCD is not responsible for the privacy practices of third party sites. TCD recommends to visitors here that when they leave this website via a live link they read the privacy statements of each and every website they then visit.
9. Changes to Privacy Policy
TCD will update this policy from time to time. A “last revised” date will always be included on the bottom of the statement. To keep up-to-date with TCD’s policy, please check this page periodically.
Contacting the Website Administrator
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this website, you can contact us at [email protected].